Month commencing 1st April 2016

Until the 6th Mercury is in your sign putting you more in the stream of information exchange and mixing with others. A time to put those people skills to work as you outline intentions or ideas more clearly and accurately to others. There may be more paperwork or other things to get your head around and mental processes may be accelerated. Communications equipment, vehicles, travel or transport might also be on your mind. At times there may be so much coming at you that you feel a bit scattered so engineer quiet spaces for yourself whenever you can.
From the 6th conversations tend to have a more practical slant. Revolving around material matters, or basic physical needs and you may be looking into how to improve things or get your ducks in a row. Thinking will revolve around essential needs and gathering information about whatever would be best for yourself or others financially/materially. Plans may focus upon certain desirable resources or practical ways of achieving this or that result. You may be wondering how you can best express yourself creatively through material objects. Also, buying/selling, renting/leasing could also be on your mind at this time. And stuff! What is of most value to you and even how can make more of your natural abilities.

Until the 6th Mercury is working from deeper levels and your mind tends to become introspective and more open to emotional or subtle energies. You may be a little preoccupied, by things going on in the background of your life, and you could find yourself zoning out or just feeling mentally at 6’s and 7’s as things may be a little up-in-the-air. Zoning out isn’t necessarily a bad thing and, at this time, you can do your best thinking in a restful, nurturing environment or in a private bubble with others. Imagination and intuition are working well. Also a good time for healing, spiritual or imaginative activities, so, listen to your inner guidance, hold the vision of how you want it to be, and plan to move beyond what is now getting in the way of your happiness and wellbeing.
Mars is in the sector of your solar chart which clears the decks for new beginnings. So one manifestation may be a de-clutter, is in the pipe-line. Or maybe either letting go or regenerating an ailing or stale situation. Whether it’s a re-think, a de-tox or a Spring Clean, this Mars position means coming up against pre-existing conditions, behaviours or requirements which provoke an inner confrontation with your ethics or things shared with another. Then a shift, as emotions drive a change. You could be intensely aware of the feeling or needs of others at times and you may have to bite your tongue or be more confidential or shrewd.

Until the 20th the Solar energies could manifest as a pull towards things going on behind the scenes or in your private life – perhaps to do with the past or perhaps it’s a work in progress. You’ll probably have to put aside personal desires and become more aware of another’s needs or requirements, even when you are not in the mood. Others may not fully realize how much you are dealing with as the Sun is in a karmic house during this phase. But this is no time to cling to ego, as, if you do, you may feel let down.
Until the 6th Venus warms group relationships and other associations. You will tend to feel supported by others who are inspiring, different, or have common interests, as you move forwards with something you have hoped for, maybe for a long time. Networking, group gatherings or team efforts benefit from Venus’s sociable, helpful mood. Anything related to technology or activity online may be interesting, materially beneficial and, in general facilitate positive experiences. As Venus also rules money and property, you may benefit materially through groups, friends or special associations.

From the 6th discussions, correspondence and targets may involve bureaucracy, parental figures or the ‘powers that be’. Or it may mean more ‘official’ type paper-work or correspondence. Career, a new enterprise, or those who may facilitate your aims could be highlighted. You may find your goals and schemes are being validated or rejected by the by the way things are unfolding across the wider stage. You will be putting mental effort into expressing yourself in the best way you can so as to get the result you desire. Vehicles, transport or communications equipment may also be on your mind.
Until the 6th Venus supports warmer more supportive relationships with those from far away, or from a different cultural background. Travel with a partner is possible or someone expands your thinking with their experience or background. You are more likely to connect with others who have a knowledge or expertise which helps you add pieces of the puzzle. This could be financially advantageous. You yourself may be valued or admired for your knowledge, know-how or guidance and this may be a good time for putting the word out on to a wider stage about something and it could prove to be lucrative. Publications or educational establishments could be highlighted and you and someone may be on a bit of a learning curve together. A teacher or someone with wisdom could be helpful, or, through their contribution and support you ultimately get a better understanding or material reward for your joint efforts.

Until the 6th Venus is in a place of emotional depth and something can touch your feelings deeply, or you can move others – great for the romantics and artists among you but also regarding material resources which come through another. Formally or informally things may become more intimate or ’involved’. Venus here could also manifest as a relationship helping you out materially or supporting you emotionally in major or minor ways. So, a good time to acquire and use resources to benefit your joint material interests with others. Negotiations could go in your favour and there could be deeper, more rewarding bonds with another. Some of you may feel like shifting into more commitment in a material or emotional sense – depending on your natal chart and on your own ability to create what you want. Also, a relationship could revolve around a shared space, possessions or property but things can be ironed out to mutual advantage.
Saturn is now in Sagittarius and will stay there until late 2017. This puts her into a positive angle to your Sun sign. Overall, it can mean ultimate success if you pay more focused, nurturing attention to your creativity, or playful, fun activities over the long-term. Equally, any leisure or creative activities may be harder to organize or you have less time for them or you have to be persevering to achieve success with them. Also more responsibility regarding children/young ones, animals or a romantic relationship, is a possibility. A more disciplined, patient approach will help them bear fruit. It may also mean that, because of one (or more) of these examples you feel held back or limited in your freedom to frolic so you will need to proceed in a more patient, organized fashion. Then you are on the road to building a solid and robust structure which stands the test of time in any of these areas.

From the 6th discussions, ideas and research tend to be strategic and could be revealing as you drill down to fundamentals and suss things out. At times, communications could become more involved, intense, or confidential. Your thinking could focus on sensitive issues like the joint financial situation or revolve around property or possessions belonging to or shared with another. There may be more paperwork or some rethinking related to an agreement or contract. At this time, some of you may be giving confidential advice and perhaps ‘sensing’ more than thinking as your gut knowing will be stronger. It may be that you feel quite passionate about something or someone and feelings go deep. Or, on the flip side, it’s probably easier for someone to push your buttons. Just trust your deeper instincts, stay away from ego, and try to avoid knee-jerk reactions. Get to the basics within the current conditions.
In general, there could be more correspondence or other types of paperwork than usual and flying hither and thither for business or personal reasons. Overall, you should start to feel more confident about making decisions or defining certain objectives more clearly. You can be proactive and successful with media, promotions, negotiations or simply speaking up for yourself in a more assertive way.
From the 20th when the Sun moves, is a gear-shifting phase, but you‘ll probably be feeling your way forwards intuitively or be sounding things out. This the moment for letting go of some ballast whether that means a Spring Clean or general de-clutter. Or it could mean a more radical change in your routines related to money, property or a relationship.

Until the 6th Venus is in a more practical mood, favourably highlighting teamwork regarding daily chores, learning skills (or maybe which button to push), running repairs or health matters – your own or another’s. Others will probably be in a co-operative, more supportive frame of mind assisting with your requirements. You are more likely to have reasonable interaction with health-providers, co-workers and anyone providing assistance and so if there has been an ongoing problem chances are you will find someone to help with recovery or repair and, even if the problem is not resolved, the interaction will tend to be pleasant.
Mars is in a transit of your Solar communications sector accelerating mental processes and firing up the way you express yourself. A great time for getting to know people, places or concepts.
Comings and goings may increase or you find yourself more in the stream of information exchange and this would be a good time to float a new concept or body of work. However, there may be tensions and you can feel overloaded with too much on your mind. Sometimes, it could feel that certain others are too impatient or over-assertive but, your own reactions may be too defensive or pinickity. It’s better to be measured and decisive in what you say, keeping lines of communication open rather than wasting energy wondering about someone’s deeper motives. In general, there could be more correspondence or other types of paperwork than usual and flying hither and thither for business or personal reasons. Overall, you should start to feel more confident about making decisions or defining certain objectives more clearly. You can be proactive and successful with media, promotions, negotiations or simply speaking up for yourself in a more assertive way.

Mars is demanding you put more effort and decisiveness into getting organized in a physical or security-orientated sense. The piggy-bank, possessions or any other bit of territory may need a more motivated and decisive approach. And that may mean a more dynamic application of talents and skills. You could be striving to get your hands on certain things or places, but watch your step related to basic material security, money, property or possessions as Mars can be demanding, impulsive or too hasty at times. Your physical strength may be stretched or there may be tensions as you try to work through what needs to be done in a physical/material/financial sense. You may be more actively engaged in diet or health matters – your own or someone else’s.
Saturn is launching you into a 2 year cycle of more concentrated work related to the material/physical side of life. You can be successful but disciplined effort will be needed to manage the piggy bank and to improve quality of life or resources, whether that’s cash or vegetables. Gradually this side of things takes the shape you desire, but routine perseverance is the key as there will tend to be obstacles. Be kind to yourself, encourage yourself and don’t take your eye off the ball. Make what you have work better for you. Scorpios born 5th-9th November or with 14-17 degrees rising will feel this energy the most this forecast period. Until next September, Jupiter is in a fortunate angle to your Sun sign. Jupiter will help you grow and learn through new associations and friendships, or within a collective of others who have interests or a situation in common. Scorpio and Scorpio rising from 12-16 degrees or those born 3rd-8th November will feel this energy the most this forecast period.

Until the 20th there’s a brighter, less inward, vibration around. So that could manifest as more opportunities to be in environments with scope for play or creativity or empowering activities. Or to be more involved with those out to have a good time whether as a participant or a facilitator. More emphasis is given to children, youngsters or romantic partners for some, and for others, there could be more socializing and maybe more contact with arts/entertainments or the leisure industry. You are more likely to feel the light of appreciation from others or be participating in activities you find fun or personally empowering.
Until the 6th Mercury is in a more innovative sector of your Solar chart. Now you enjoy playing with ideas and speculating, maybe a little wildly, on this or that or the other possibility. But, whatever you are doing, there may be more laughs or distractions along the way. Your creative juices are flowing and you are more articulate which may help with beating the drum on something. Also, there’s likely to be increased communications either with or about young people, lovers or pets. Also, you could be more romantically expressive or creatively inspired at this time.
Until the 6th Venus beams a friendly, sociable light into the root of your chart. This can manifest in various ways. Overall, it encourages a more harmonious time at home and you welcome others into your space or are more the visitor to others. Or, it could be a venue where you all meet up. It could be a good time to appreciate family or tribal connections, or maybe you like where you are located. During the long transit of Neptune through your home area you may have to sacrifice your own style or your preferred plan regarding a space or property or neighbourhood in order to serve a common good. And, as long as you protect your privacy and have integrated your own wishes, regarding family members, community or tribe, all will be well.

Until the 20th your attention could centre around a base of operations, community or family matters or extended family. Property matters – buying/selling/home improvements may features, or it may be about the past in the present or sharing. In some respects your gaze will tend to be more inwards and you may be pondering more, or feeling things more deeply. Listen to your instincts!
Until the 6th the mental focus could revolve around family, extended family, neighbours, or property matters. Correspondence and discussions may be about a physical space inside/outside, or points on the map. You may be mulling things over or feeling more emotional or nostalgic. There may be communications with relations or parents for some of you and others may be considering a legacy or a tradition of some kind. Whatever is going on feelings tend to be nearer the surface and certain interchanges may touch a nerve. Either way it tends to be a mentally busy or social time in, around or about a base of operations – wherever that is – or you may be on the move more. From the 6th Mercury is in a more innovative sector of your Solar chart. Now you enjoy playing with ideas and speculating, maybe a little wildly, on this or that or the other possibility. But, whatever you are doing, there may be more laughs or distractions along the way. Your creative juices are flowing and you are more articulate which may help with beating the drum on something. Also, there’s likely to be increased communications either with or about young people, lovers or pets. Also, you could be more romantically expressive or creatively inspired at this time.

From the 6th the mental focus could revolve around family, extended family, neighbours, or property matters. Correspondence and discussions may be about a physical space inside/outside, or points on the map. You may be mulling things over or feeling more emotional or nostalgic. There may be communications with relations or parents for some of you and others may be considering a legacy or a tradition of some kind. Whatever is going on feelings tend to be nearer the surface and certain interchanges may touch a nerve. Either way it tends to be a mentally busy or social time in, around or about a base of operations – wherever that is – or you may be on the move more. Mars is transiting a very future-orientated and sociable area of your Solar chart. You will tend to be the initiator with projects or you have a lot on your plate because of a group with interests or aims in common. Mars can be a bit pushy, so, on the flip side, there may be tensions between you and a friend or associates related to this area. Due to certain others, life becomes more demanding or annoying and you may have to be on the ball, competitive and decisive. Just avoid being hasty and don’t allow others to tire you out or push you into something you don’t want. This is a more progressive phase when things which have been shelved, sometimes for a long time, can start to move forwards again. Can be more technology orientated so things like the internet and the paraphernalia that goes with it could be emphasized.
Until the 20th your attention could centre around a base of operations, community or family matters or extended family. Property matters – buying/selling/home improvements may features, or it may be about the past in the present or sharing. In some respects your gaze will tend to be more inwards and you may be pondering more, or feeling things more deeply. Listen to your instincts!

Professional relationships get a boost with more opportunities to mix and mingle successfully or connect with those important to you. With Venus here you will tend to come across as more welcoming and attractive – good news for business as well as your personal life. On the other hand, you could be feeling somewhat self-indulgent and inclined to treat yourself to activities, or purchases which boost morale or are a valuable asset. It’s not all easy-peasy with Venus, which also rules money and other material resources like possessions and property, and you’ll need to work to balance things, so just make sure that the flow of abundance is not flowing more from you than to you – unless that is your choice. Overall this is a good time to work the energy to your advantage and reap the potential benefits.
From the 6th Venus is in an area concerning money, property, possessions and other basic stuff. Overall, it means you can do okay in financial negotiations as your people skills will tend to improve. Buying/selling/renting/leasing tends to go in your favour and applying for funding or investments made under this transit can prove beneficial as long as you are sensible and don’t take a wild risk. You and a friend could be getting organized materially, or expanding into new territories and enjoying the trip. In general, Venus tends to ease things materially and can open the path between money or other goodies and you but, just make sure the traffic isn’t travelling more away from you than towards you – unless this is your choice.
From the 20th the Sun is in a sociable, busy area and you could be meeting and greeting or connecting over the wires, corresponding, maybe sharing what you know or sourcing useful information, and probably running around more. It’s a time when you have more on your mind and maybe more to get your head around.

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