Giving Readings from
Background has been online since 1999. It is the online extension of the London Psychic Centre, which was founded in 1982 and based in Baker Street, London. The LPC had a reputation for excellence in the field of psychic readings, and it has carried this reputation over into the online service. We are therefore anxious to ensure that our online readings service is - and is seen to be - of the highest possible standard. Our Requirements We are interested in hearing from competent, intelligent and intuitive readers who are not only proficient in their particular field - whether this be astrology, Tarot reading or some other form of divination - but who also possess the ability to relate to people and their problems in a positive and sympathetic way. They must also have a reasonably good command of English. We need readers who can work quickly (our target turnaround time for readings is 24-48 hours), are reliable and capable of delivering well-written and insightful readings by email. Revenue Share Email readings are offered at a set fee of US$35 / £25 / €30. (This may change if exchange rates alter significantly. Readers will be notified in advance of any such change.) Your clear earnings per reading will be $17 (£11.00 at current exchange rate). Amounts are always calculated from US dollars, as this is the primary currency we use. We cover all costs - advertising, online banking, payment forwarding charges, webmaster fees etc. Readers' earnings are paid by PayPal on the first monday of each month. Upon request, payments can also be sent by bank transfer OR Giro money order. There is no minimum payout for payments made by PayPal. However, there is a minimum $200 payment threshold in the case of payments made by Giro or bank transfer. Earnings totalling less than this amount are carried over to the next month period. In fifteen years we have never missed a payment. Please note that we do not employ readers; we merely operate a promotional, referral and payment-acceptance service. As a member of our team you will be working from the UK Psychics website; you will not be working for UK Psychics. Types of Readings We prefer the emphasis to be on advice and counselling - ie, practical guidance on personal and relationship matters - rather than purely predictive readings - though we do not object to readings having an element of prediction or "future trend analysis". We require completed readings to be returned to us in normal email format (ie, plain text, and not as Word doc or other attachments.), on a plain white background, no logos, advertising banners or other images. Readings should be typed in plain black text (eg, arial, helvetica, verdana), with the name of the client at the top left of the page, followed by the reader's own name, then the URL of the reader's page, and finally the date. Readings should contain at least 600 words (this page contains approximately 1,200 words, for comparison). Although we recognise that lengthy readings aren't neccessarily any more accurate or helpful than short readings, our experience over the years has been that clients are generally more appreciative of lengthier readings. Turnaround time Our target turnaround time for readings is 24-48 hours. We do not guarantee to return completed readings within this time (on our website we say that readings are "normally returned in 24-48 hours"), but, again, our experience has been that clients expect to receive their reading within a day or two of submitting payment, and from day 3 onwards they are increasingly likely to complain about the delay and/or request cancellation. We cannot be responsible for cancellations. Reader Availability Readers must agree to check their email on a daily basis. If circumstances arise where you are not going to be able to check your email every day, or you are not going to be available to give readings for any length of time - for instance, if you are going away on holiday - we require you to email us to notify us of this at least 24 hours in advance, so that we do not accept payments for readings on your behalf. This is very important, as it is not possible for us to cancel payments that have already been accepted by us for readings by specific readers, and obviously it reflects badly on our organization if we have to email clients to apologise for the fact that the reader they've selected is not available to give them the reading for which we have already accepted payment. Completed readings Completed readings should be sent to: Email acknowledgements are sent on receipt of each completed reading, with an update of the amount they are owed. Readers should contact us if they return a reading and do not receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours. How to apply If you are interested in joining our team of online readers and you think you can meet the standards set out above, email us with a brief bio and a reasonably good quality head and shoulders photo of yourself. These are for your listing and private page. Type "ACCEPT" (nothing else) in the subject box of your email - this is very important, as it confirms that you have read and agree to our terms. Summary of what we need from you: IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: By submitting this "Accept" email you are confirming that you are available to give email readings straightaway, and that you agree to the terms outlined above. Please do not send us your details without including a suitable photo. And please do not send us a photo of yourself at a wedding reception or holding a baby or sitting in front of a birthday cake wearing a paper hat. Your photo should be head and shoulders (or face) only, and with no-one else in the frame. If you join our team we will also require a second (different) photo of you - preferably carrying out some action related to your readings (eg, holding a Tarot pack, studying an astrology chart, gazing into a crystal ball or whatever it is you do). We don't need this second photo unless and until we have accepted you to join our team. Written a course or ebook? If you have written a course (tuition, self-help etc.) or ebook, we can promote it and offer it for sale from our website as an instant download. All we need from you is the raw text (eg, in Word.doc or PDF). We will convert it to a ebook format. Courses in video format can also be offered. E-books are sold on an equal share (50-50) basis. Contact us for further details. Media From time to time we are contacted by newspaper/magazine journalists and TV researchers asking us to recommend psychics, astrologers etc., to take part in articles and programmes on psychic-related topics. These requests are normally forwarded to all our readers with the contact details of the journalist or researcher in question. It is then up to our readers to contact the journalist or researcher directly if they are interested in this type of work. |