Discover Your Psychic Potential


In the past it was a difficult matter, involving lengthy and sophisticated laboratory experiments, to assess an individual's level of psychic ability. However, it is now possible to evaluate - or, rather, to predict - a person's psychic quotient, or "Psi-Q", through the answers they give to a series of simple questions. Zak Martin's Psi-Q test is based on the psychological and physiological factors known to coincide with varying levels of ESP. It predicts, with a reasonably high degree of accuracy, how you would be likely to perform if you were to undergo laboratory tests to determine your level of psychic ability.

Note: This is the original Psi-Q test, devised by Zak Martin and published in his book "Test Your Psi-Q". It predates other psychic quotient tests - and several books, including "Know Your Psi-Q" by Carl Sargent and Hans Eysenck - which have, without exception, been "based on" Zak Martin's original Psi-Q test.

Read the following questions carefully and answer them to the best of your ability. You will need to answer all questions and click the"Calculate" button to reveal your Psi-Q score.

1. Are you impulsive - do you tend to make "snap" decisions?

Yes: No:

2. Do you often have sudden, drastic changes of mood for no apparent reason?

Yes: No:

3. Do you consider that, on the whole, your childhood was a happy one?

Yes: No:

4. Do you get on well with animals - do they respond well to you?

Yes: No:

5. Would you describe yourself as an extrovert?

Yes: No:

6. Do you normally wear a wristwatch?

Yes: No:

7. Do bright lights bother you - car headlights, for example?

Yes: No:

8. Do you believe in "love at first sight"?

Yes: No:

9. Do heights bother you?

Yes: No:

10. Do you often dream in colour?

Yes: No:

11. "First impressions are usually correct" - do you agree?

Yes: No:

12. Are you good at mathematics and working with figures?

Yes: No:

13. In the garden, have you a "green thumb"?

Yes: No:

14. Are you gregarious - do you enjoy the company of other people?

Yes: No:

15. Select the colour you most prefer from the following:

Blue: Yellow: Black: White: Green: Purple: Red:

16. Do you keep a personal diary or journal?

Yes: No:

17. Have you ever, to your knowledge, walked in your sleep?

Yes: No:

18. Which of the following shapes most appeals to you?

19. Are you an early riser/"morning person"?

Yes: No:

20. Which of the following do you find easiest to remember:

Names: Faces: Dates: Numbers:

21. Have you ever been hospitalized for a long period (ie, more than one month)?

Yes: No:

22. Do you enjoy gambling?

Yes: No:

23. What is the colour of your eyes?

Blue: Brown: Green: Hazel:

24. Have you ever experienced a premonition or dream of the future?

Yes: No:

25. Are you unduly affected by changes in the weather?

Yes: No:

26. Was your grandmother (on either side of your family) considered psychic?

Yes: No:

27. Which is longest, your index finger or your third finger?

Index: Third finger: Same:

28. Are you aware of being affected by the full moon?

Yes: No:

29. Have you a good sense of direction?

Yes: No:

30. Are you artistic (either musically or as a painter etc.)?

Yes: No:

31. Do you tend to remember the birthdates of relatives and friends?

Yes: No:

32. Have you a good/well-developed sense of humour?

Yes: No:

33. Do you have "nimble fingers" and digital dexterity?

Yes: No:

34. Are you able to wake up at a certain time without an alarm clock?

Yes: No:

35. Which do you prefer, cryptic or straightforward puzzles?

Cryptic: Straightforward:

36. Are you highly strung - do you "live on your nerves"?

Yes: No:

37. Do you usually take an instant like/dislike of people you meet for the first time?

Yes: No:

38. Would you describe yourself as a risk-taker?

Yes: No:

39. When it comes to practical things like driving a car, typing etc., are you a quick learner?

Yes: No:

40. In which season were you born?

Spring: Summer: Autumn: Winter:

41. Were you the eldest or only child in your family?

Yes: No:

42. Would you say that you are rather quick in your gestures and movements?

Yes: No:

43. Are you a good cook - and do you enjoy experimenting with new recipes?

Yes: No:

44. Have you ever experienced deja vu, the feeling of "I have been here before"?

Yes: No:

45. Are you easily affected by alcohol and drugs?

Yes: No:

46. Are you a neat person - do you keep your surroundings tidy?

Yes: No:

47. Are you an optimist - do you normally expect things to work out for the best?

Yes: No:

48. Do people tend to confide in you and seek your advice on personal matters?

Yes: No:

49. Do you hold radical religious or political views?

Yes: No:

50. Are you often surprised by the actions and behaviour of people you regarded as predictable?

Yes: No:

51. Do coincidences feature largely in your life?

Yes: No:

52. Would you say that you have been lucky in your life so far?

Yes: No:

53. Do your friends regard you as someone with a flair for fashion, interior design / decorating etc?

Yes: No:

54. Are you a good mimic?

Yes: No:

55. "Abstract art is rubbish" - Do you agree with this statement?

Yes: No:

56. Do you find it easy to express yourself in writing?

Yes: No:

57. Do you accept the possibility that life exists elsewhere in the universe?

Yes: No:

58. Would you say that you are good at spelling?

Yes: No:

59. Are you strongly affected - whether positively or negatively - when you are close to a large body of water?

Yes: No:

60. Do you have a good sense of balance? (For example, can you balance on one foot with your eyes closed?)

Yes: No:

 Your Score is :
Rate Your Psi-Q:
Below 300 Poor
300 - 350 Below average
350 - 400 Fair / Average
400 - 450 Above average
450 - 500 Good
500 - 600 Very good
600 - 650 Excellent
Above 650 Phenomenal!
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How did you do?
Whether you achieved a high or a low score it is important to remember that this test measures factors known to coincide with varying levels of ESP, rather than ESP itself. That can only be measured in the laboratory. It is quite possible to obtain a low score in this test yet achieve a high score in actual ESP tests - and vice-versa - so don't be too disappointed if your score wasn't as high as you'd hoped it would be.

Psychic Realm
