Affirmations for you to try

You may have read my previous article about using affirmations effectively. Here are some affirmations that you can apply in your own life.
An affirmation is a statement; a positive assertion or declaration. An affirmation states an intention you mean to carry out or have happen in your life. Why not try using or adapting some of these regularly, instead of making resolutions? These are powerful and empowering statements; choose carefully which seem to apply best.

I attract wealth and abundance into every area of my life, at all times.
I have everything I need, and more.
I am experiencing my life expanding upwards and outwards toward the universe.

I have no regrets at any time.
I am always open to inspiration, from any source.
I am completely open at all times to any route or method via which my soul's purpose may be achieved.

I enjoy every aspect of my life.
I appreciate others for all of their positive contributions.
I receive the recognition and appreciation I deserve for all I do in life.

I accept that I will always attract that which I send out or reflect. I now welcome into my life relationships with people who encourage me to develop and to move forward. I attract into my life only those who live in the light, and in the present.

In every situation I encounter, I am aware that the path of least resistance is an option which is available to me.
I leave enough space around everything in my life for it to be free of limitations or constraints.
I am able to experience all of my human emotions without suffering painful extremes.

I accept that changes occurring in my life are for the better.
Reappraisals of my life situation help me to start afresh with renewed hope.
I now let go of fear, and trust that my life is changing for the better. I welcome this.

I can achieve anything I want to.
I welcome into my life acceptance of my own power.
My being is in a state of rapid enlightenment and spiritual growth.

The way I choose to live reflects the cleanliness and brightness of my inner light.
The home in which I live is completely peaceful and calm.
The positive environment I create helps me to grow spiritually, creatively and financially.

I use my voice to express love, clarity, honesty, warmth and support.
The words I choose to express are the creation of an open heart.
I am able to express everything I wish to concisely and clearly.

I enjoy every aspect of my life.
I perceive myself to be successful personally, creatively, emotionally, financially.
Each day I awaken refreshed, full of energy and looking forward to a fulfilling day.

All of my dealings with people on all levels are smooth, harmonious and objective.
My feelings of security, happiness, calm and well-being are well founded. The events and patterns of my life are moving into balance as my path unfolds.
Part 3 will follow shortly, with the final part of this article and more affirmations to try.

Adapted from "Affirmations and how to use them" by Gayna.
© Gayna 2005



Astral Projection
Your Birth Chart Explained
An Introduction to Affirmations

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