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Thank you for taking part in these online ESP tests. We hope you found them interesting and enjoyable. Congratulations if you did well, but don't worry if you did not; ESP is a largely unconscious ability; it cannot be switched on and off at will. Even the most gifted psychics have their "off" days. The only way to reliably evaluate a person's level of ESP is to have them take part in tightly-controlled tests over an extended period, so that their psychic ability can be measured as a consistent deviation from the results that would be expected on the basis of chance alone.

[INTRO] [TEST 1] [ TEST 2] [ TEST 3] [ TEST 4] [ TEST 5] [ TEST 6]

Graphometry is the ability to pick up information about people by looking at their handwriting. Click here to test your graphometric skills.

Develop Your ESP Zak Martin's worldwide best-selling guide to psychic growth, How to Develop Your ESP (Harper-Collins) is now available in e-book format, price $10. Download it today! We accept Mastercard and Visa

Click here to read reviews of How to Develop Your ESP.

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