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Directory of Psychic Consultants

Rosa Derriviere Rosa Derriviere
Italian-born clairvoyant and healer Rosa Derriviere offers accurate, in-depth readings by telephone and email. Rosa was formerly resident clairvoyant at Mysteries, in London. Find out more
Caroline Szerman Caroline Szerman
Offers in-depth psychic tarot readings. Caroline teaches a 3 level course in The Mythic Tarot. She holds a CPA certificate for 3 years training in Psychological Astrology with Liz Greene and HND in Counselling/addiction.
Michele Knight Michele Knight
Media clairvoyant as seen on channel 5's "Housebusters" and "Mystic Challenge" offers accurate and detailed telephone readings. "Honest, straightforward, accurate." - Marie Claire Find out more
Gill Chesney-Green Gill Chesney-Green
Astrologer and counsellor with over 25 years experience. Worked with Nottingham Counselling Service for seven years helping clients with problems ranging from eating disorders to difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships.
Suzanne Sedgman Suzanne Sedgeman - Inner Spirit
Psychic, Clairvoyant and Palmistry consultations. Suzanne Sedgman is a natural clairvoyant who has been practicing professionally for twelve years.
De'Ana Future-Forcast by De'Ana
Clairvoyant and Psychic Advisor DeAna D'monte, "psychic to the stars", offers personal readings by phone and by post. Accuracy and confidentiality assured!
Amadai Amadai
Compassionate, humourous and accurate astrologer and clairvoyant with 30 years experience in this field. Recently appeared on Sky's Psychic Interactive TV. Tel: 0163560427
Elizabeth Francis Elizabeth Francis
Member of the Affiliation of Crystal & Gem Therapists and BAPS. Elizabeth Francis offers advice on relationships, soulmate connections, study/work, personal issues, health and finance.
Peter Doswell Peter Doswell - Psychic Clairvoyant Mediums
National serving medium Peter Doswell and his team of clairvoyant mediums provide you with honest and accurate live readings. "Our gifted mediums will be there for you when you need us most." Find out more
Violet Rose Spirit Messengers - Natural Psychic Mediums
Experienced and talented natural mediums waiting to hear from you. Genuine insight and guidance on all areas of your life. Readings by telephone and email.
A name many people surely recognize. Cleopatra is considered to be one of the UK's top psychics. Cleopatra is a certified Master Class Clairvoyant Medium who will amazed you with her visions. World predictions include the recent Asia quake.

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Psychic Readings on Instant Messenger
Psychic guidance, tarot readings, dreams analysis, and clairvoyants ? gifted, caring experts are online now on Instant Messenger to offer insights and reassurance. Let us help you with your spiritual journey.
Rainbow Spirit
Naturally-gifted medium in south east England offers readings in person, by post and by email. Also workshops in spiritual development.
Find out more
Whispering Spirits
UK-based psychics, tarot readers, clairvoyants, mediums, astrologers and other gifted readers offer readings by phone, email and text.
Ron Mac
Scottish Highlands Clairvoyant and Psychic. Offers genuine readings by phone, post or e-mail. Tarot readings, workshops and absent healing available. Many years experience.
Leading UK psychics. Ellie Marie is a gifted psychic with over twenty years experience, specializing in love/relationships.
Tarot Readings Online
Personalised Tarot card readings provided by secure email from a professional world-travelled UK psychic with 25 years experience.
Para Insight
Accurate and sensitive psychic, medium and healer offers email, postal and live tarot readings along with free absent healing.
Spirit Medium & Psychic Chat Site
Mediums, tarot readers, psychics and healers are available to give free readings and advice at this website. Also a free weekly psychic development class. All welcome.
Clarity: I Ching Readings & Resources
Readings, articles, guide to consulting for yourself and links to an active I Ching community. The I Ching oracle is a kind and wise friend, offering you insights that will change your life for the better.
Katie Coutts
Scottish psychic, author and alternative therapist offers guidance and advice using I Ching, astrology, numerology, aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies and laser therapy.
Making the stars work for you - A new and unique method of prediction using stones, stars, spirituality and Tarot. "On other pages in this web you will find all kinds of ways to develop and enrich your life..."
Living Designs New Age Shop
Crystals and gemstones, Silver and gemstone jewellery, Egyptian, American Indian, Dreamcatchers and much more. Huge illustrated selection, outstanding value and quality. Secure payment shop.
Magic and readings by Pandora. Postal, e-mail, live and interactive. Spell kits, personally performed Magic by High Priestess Pandora, and Market Place with quality 'Esoteric' products.
Angel - Clairsentient Tarot Specialist
Angel will help you to see a way forward with her powerful magic and accurate readings. Angelic Rituals, Dream Analysis Healing, and Relationship Advice.
Merlin Tours
Mystical tours in Southern- Britain,Cornwall,Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Let modern day druids guide you around the mystical centres of these magical islands.
Feng Shui On-Line Shop
Feng Shui cures with professional advice from Feng Shui consultants. Also: I-Ching coins, wind chimes, bagwas, Buddhas, crystals etc.
The publications and interactive web site, links and philosophy of spirit, through trance voice medium Mick Avery and trance physical medium, Sylvia Avery."
Celia Thomas-Gale
Celia Thomas-Gale is a clairvoyant medium who specialises in healing and rescue work. She has also made some interesting predictions on world events.
Psychic Web UK
A psychic and spiritual journey, covering chakras, spirit guides, mediums, clairvoyance, dreams, Tarot, discussion forum, chat room and more.
Psychic Marie
Online Tarot readings, spells, love advice etc. "My psychic Tarot readings see deep into your relationships and help straighten them out."
Peter Doswell - National Psychic Clairvoyant Medium
Official Website of Serving UK Spiritual Medium Peter Doswell. Site includes healing, testimonies, church appearances, private si ttings.
White Feather News
Through his medium Robert Goodwin, White Feather has delivered spiritual philosophy for over twenty-five years. Information on books, 'live' trance evenings, workshops etc., at this website
Alexia - Psychic Tarot Readings
Offering online Tarot and astrological readings, spells, talismans and dream interpretation.
Lightened Pathways
Rosalind is a Scotland-based clairvoyant/medium and spiritual healer offering counselling, spiritual help and healing. Also Past Life Regression therapy.
Palmistry Online
Palmistry Online offers an online palmistry course for serious students as well as information on modern hand analysis techniques.

Expert Readings by Email

Angel - Clairvoyant
Psychic Light
Sue Smith - Tarot reader and palmist
Derek Acorah
Maria Gemma - Past lives. Damun rebalancing technique.
Spellcasters - Gifted psychic advisors and spellcasters
Spiritual Readings by Experienced Natural Mediums
Rowanne Alexander - Spiritual Guidance
Elizabeth Gullen
Second Sight - Psychics & Mediums
Alexia - Psychic Tarot Readings
Psychic Tarot Spells
Sue Knock
Elle Marie - lairvoyant
Ra Chi
Diarnothe - Psychic & Tarot reader
Aeclectic Tarot
Psychic Readings by Sedra
Jenny Smedley
Tarot Readings by Jules
Lotus Tarot
Laura - Tarot Readings
Michael Daniels Homepage
Alexia's Psychic Readings
Zero Time
Psychics Network
Paranormal Dimensions
Fort Rade - Paranormal
The Gift of Joy
Paris LaRay - Psychic
Louise's Psychic Tarot
National Federation of Spiritual Healers
Moonwhisper Spirit Centre
Sheela Gandhi - Astrologer & Palmist
Robert James Lees Dedication Website
Jill Purce - The Healing Voice
Rupert Sheldrake
London School of Astrology
BSY - Self-Improvement Courses
Adam Fronteras
Wishing Moon - Tarot & Healing
Dr A Mukherjee
Sophie De St. Preux - Clairvoyant
New Guardian Light
Zak Martin - Psychic/Author
Hayley Blake
Billy Roberts - Psychic
Psychic Encounters
Reiki Healing Glastonbury UK >Wirral Psychic and Therapy Centre
Self Growth
Spiritualists' National Union
Freya - Mystery School
Way Out There And Back
Angel Paths
Angel Readings
Lifeguide - Astrological Services
Veronica's Heavenly Connection
Psychic Chat Site
Clarity: I Ching readings
Sasha Fenton
Jane Lyle - Clairvoyant
Astrology UK Net
Creative Fengshui
Feng Shui Tips
Crystal Earth
Robert Matthews - Hypnotherapist
Woodsong Tarot Readings
Stargazy Manor
Ivarna Astrologer & Psychic
Eloise Kirlan - Magickal Supplies
Karmic Web
Elfin Diaries
Psychic Art
Avalonia - Witchcraft & Magick
Tarot Readings by Anna G
Michael Daniels Paranormalist
Michele Knight - Clairvoyant
Past Present
Directory of New Age Services
White Witch
Donald Robertson - Hypnotist
Derren Brown - "Mentalist"
Stephen O'Brien - Healer
Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone
Viking Remote Viewing
Psychic Sleuths
Paul Goldin Clinic
Shining Light Society
British Astrological & Psychic Soc.
Tarot Readings by Hannah
Debbie Webb - Clairvoyant-Medium
Sacred Space - Medium & Healer
Tim Brooks - Tarot Reader
Bright Eyes Psychic
Visionary Viewpoint
Be Your Own Psychic
Colin Fry
SwapSmarts Psychic Links
Douglas McKay - Palmist
Nigel - Tarot & Clairvoyance
Hannah Brown - Psychic & Medium
Blather - Forteana
Psychic Love Advice
Astraea Psychic Services
Spirit Mediums
Essential Astrology
New Guardian Light


Kindred Spirit
One World Publications
UFO Magazine
Fate Magazine
Psychic Books
Zambezi Publications
Prediction Magazine
It's Fate Magazine
Greensleeves Books


Inner Bookshop
Atlantis Bookshop
Psychic News Bookshop
Watkins Bookshop
Blackwell's Bookshop


Occult & Pagan Shop
Mesmerize Magickal Supplies
New Moon Occult Shop
Sorcerer's Apprentice Occult Supplies
Wilde Ones - Crystals, Occult Jewellery etc.
Feng Shui Shop
Moonthistle Magickal Supplies
Feng Shui Store
Embroidery By Design
Living Designs

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