Use this form to submit your text ad. Please remember that the total number of characters, including heading (but not including your url) must not exceed one hundred, which is typically equivalent to between 15-20 words (the sample ad on the right contains 22 words). The important thing is that the text has to fit comfortably in the box, without appearing crammed. Placement is available on any page with a side panel, except our main index page.
The cost of a text ad is £10 per month, payable via PayPal recurring billing.
Ads are normally published on the site within 24 hours of receipt of payment.
Keep your ad simple. Remember, the aim of the ad is to get people to visit your website.
Use short words. Think in terms of newspaper headlines for your heading.
Think carefully about which page you want your ad to link to.
Our sample ad includes the words "click here", but in a real ad this would be a waste of words.