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UK Psychics is widely regarded as most successful and prestigious British portal in the Psychic/Mind-Body-Spirit category, linked from thousands of websites around the world and ranked at the top of the most important search engines and directories. The site has been online since 1999 and has a regular return "audience" of around 50,000. It refers thousands of visitors to other websites every month. In addition, UKPsychics.com has become established as a source of information and ideas for journalists researching newspaper and magazine articles and radio and TV programmes dealing with psychic and MBS topics. Find out more
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Sample Standard-size Banner (60X468)
Side-panel banner
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Multiple page banner displays
The prices quoted above are for banners displayed on specific pages on the site. Banner advertising can be purchased on additional pages at a rate equivalent to 10% of the single page rate. For example, the cost of displaying a 120X110 banner on a specific page is £15 per month, so the cost per additional page is £1.50 per month. In other words, the cost of displaying the same banner across 11 pages is double the cost of displaying it on a single page (in this example, £30). All banner ads must be prepaid (minimum 3 months). Pay for 12 months in advance and receive a 15% discount.
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